Leg Cramps and Vein Disease
Do you or does someone you love suffer from painful, nightly leg cramps? They may come on suddenly overnight while sleeping or simply while relaxing. Leg cramps can occur for a myriad of reasons, including dehydration, medications, potassium imbalance, and vein disease. A cramp is what happens when a muscle contracts but does not relax. Muscle relaxants can aid with this issue, but regular cramps can be a sign of more serious conditions.
Regular, low-impact exercise can reduce the likelihood of regular cramps, but cramps often associated with exercise can be a problem. These cramps can occur from something as minor as a small amount of walking. Other issues such as night leg cramps, those that you get while you are generally relaxed, can be a sign of arterial disease. These cramps are caused by a deficiency in blood circulation. It is recommended that you get a minimally invasive test conducted at your local vascular center to check for arterial disease if you are experiencing these symptoms.
Our arteries carry oxygenated blood and nutrients to the rest of our body. When a limb is not getting enough oxygen or proper nutrients, the muscles in the limb begin to contract, often painfully. These painful cramps are a sign that your arteries are not properly delivering blood and this could be due to vein disease. Vein disease can include a large vein that is blocked (deep vein thrombosis) or veins where the one-way valves are damaged. The one-way valves keep blood flowing in one direction back to the heart, but if they become weak from vein disease, blood can seep back down and pool, causing varicose veins. Even without visible signs of varicose veins, nightly cramps can definitely be a sign of vein disease. Proper diagnosis at a vascular center can rule out other causes of cramps and provide you with the necessary means to reverse the effects of vein disease.
Light exercise is an excellent way to stave off the onset of vein disease, but the longer we go without it and the more we age, the more difficult that becomes. By consulting a Houston vein specialist, you can be tested for vein disease and the doctor can recommend treatments to take. Some can be as simple as wearing compression socks and exercising more, or as complicated as a minimally invasive treatment.
Simply put, if you are experiencing nightly leg cramps, especially while already at rest, there is a definite chance you could have vein disease. The best vein doctors in Katy at Premier Vein can perform the necessary tests and effective treatment to help cure you of a potentially painful experience.